Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

'Tis the Season Apparently

And although we are grown ups who go to grown up Christmas parties and exchange grown up gifts such as shake weights and do not under any circumstances spill anything on peoples fancy carpets....

... Magic the Gathering still happens

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Magic: The Gathering

The men of my house, ages ranging 25-29, engaged in heated game of Magic the Gathering. No, this photo was not taken in 1995. Yes, I should be studying.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Legal Pro

Leslie, in a futile attempt, tries to teach me an entire semester of legal profession.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Biggest Loser

The original title of this post was "cute as a button." As I began typing, Aaron shot me a glare from across the room and started spewing garbage about how he was going to beat me in our fake trial next week. This made me angry, so I changed the title. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Case of the Mondays

Today is Monday, so naturally I'm blah.  I can't seem to get motivated to do any school work which is dangerous because finals are less than a month away. My apathy and stress stew together to create the most worthless combination of unproductive whining which has rendered me friendless. Le sigh.  Nikki obviously feels the same. That's all I'm going to report on Monday.

On another, better note, I've decided to share with my faithful readers (no one, and Maddy) one of life's simple pleasures, indoor smore creation. Simple pleasures are awesome. For example I seriously, not kidding guys, love brushing my teeth in the shower. It's awesome. The minty freshness of tooth paste is such a refreshing juxtaposition to the warm humidity of the shower. Try it, and do it at the end of your shower.

Back to smores, recently I had to shop at  Costco for a camping trip. Needless to say, I ended up with a lifetime supply of  chocolate bars, graham crackers, and marshmellows among other things.  I made an incredible discovery. People, smores can be enjoyed not only in the outdoors, but at home also! AWESOME.

So here's my recipe/ instructions. ENJOY!
1. If you don't have a gas stove, forget it, get some ice cream
2. Place your marshmellow on wooden or metal stick. (I prefer chop sticks)
3. Start gently roasting it over your gas stove, be careful to not let it catch on fire
4. When you think your marshmellow is getting close to ready, use tongs (not thongs) to slightly melt your chocolate bar over the stove.
5. Once your mellow is roasted and your chocolate is melted, sandwich the two with graham crackers and voila, SMORE!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Frightful Halloween

Today is Halloween so allow me to formally say HAPPY HALLOWEEN PEOPLE (or no one, or maybe just Maddy, I think she reads my blog sometimes).

See that picture right there? Notice the red tint of the leaves on that tree. People, this is proof that California does in fact have seasons, including my favorite one fall. It's true I didn't have enough leaves in my yard to fill up my pumpkin trash bags and today was a pleasant 70 degrees, but picture = fact.

On to a more disturbing topic, the transition of the foliage in my world into the beautiful warm colors of fall is glaring reminder that each day I am falling closer towards graduation. There are a number of reasons why this would and should terrify me (i.e. the prospect of never finding a job, not passing the bar, having no more free money from the government, having to pay back "free" money, bankruptcy, ninja attacks in the night, etc ). However, oddly enough, the reason that terrifies me the most about that fateful day in May is that I may never have unadulterated access to Westlaw and Lexis for the rest of my life ::shudder:: (non-law readers, imagine one day having to pay for every Google search).

Now that's spooky.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When Life Gives You Puppies, Abandon All Responsibilities and Play With It

Kona Dawsonthal
Is estrogen coursing through your veins yet? This little guy is Kona. He is just a bundle of joy but for the fact that he (a) is not potty trained and (b) has liquid feces.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crazy Like the Glue

Team "Jah-Coozy": Aaron and Lara
Yesterday we hosted the second biannual Beer Olympics. Eight teams competed in the following events:
Beer Pong

Turtle Challenge
Flip Cup
The Civil War
Boat Race
Obstacle Course

Team "Shut the Fuck Up": Barnett and Kayleigh
Team "Dirty Diaz": Klacy Lacy

Team "Lincoln Park Rapists" v. Team "Dirty Diaz"
After flip cup, the events deteriorated into an all out dance party punctuated by keg stands.

Barbie, Malia, and Hank

But back to crazy,  this is probably the craziest thing out of South Africa right now:
Die Antwoord - Zef Side

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Cupcakes Ruin Friendships

The other night, whilst watching The Adams Family, Kara and I decided to bake Halloween cupcakes. Kara is a baker, not a dish washer. Sadly, baked goods don't live long in my house. Why do you ask? I live with four boys (once 24 muffins were consumed in less than 24 hours). The next morning, in a fit of MLB enduced emotional eating (see: "fuck the giants" cupcake), the last of the cupcakes were devoured. Kara was not pleased. RIP cupcakes :(

Artist: H.S. III  Title: Bloody Explosive Diahrrea

Friday, October 22, 2010

Red Headed Slut

This is Nikki. She is 11 and eccentric. She will threaten to tear out the throats of puppies, blondes, those who speak to her in a baby voice,  and children. Thankfully, her 11 year habit of chewing rocks has rendered her relatively benign. Please don’t confuse her fat breathing (her analog to purring) for growling. Men, watch your balls. If she wants to be pet, she will shove her nose with extraordinary fervor into your genital region. She is the love of my life.

In the Middle of our Street

This is a picture of my house that I snapped today. I just realized it’s not quite straight but I think it adds character. (i.e. I just spent 15 minutes trying to delete this picture and failed). My house is sweet because it’s home to 6 humans, 2 dogs, 2 turtles, and some mice. The mice have been living here for a while, but we just moved in this August.